joi, 30 septembrie 2010
marți, 28 septembrie 2010
SS501 Kim Hyung Jun va tine un fanmeeting
in Taiwan
SS501 Kim Hyung Jun va tine un fanmeeting pe data de 24 octombrie 2010 in Taiwan,la NTU Sports Center. Dupa o excursie scurta in Taiwan pentru decernarea premiilor Golden Melody,conform asteptarii fanilor,Hyung Jun a confirmat evenimentul:"I am Kim Hyung Jun! Primul turneu international-Fanmeeting".
Recent,Hyung Jun a incheiat fanmeeting-ul in Singapore .El pare foarte incantat sa-si revada fanii in Taiwan,dupa participarea la Golden Melody Awards.
De asemenea,se pare ca Hyung Jun (SS501) va deveni unul dintre moderatorii unui show,ce va fi difuzat curand. Trebuie subliniat un lucru: Kim Hyung Jun va prezenta programul alaturi de Hwang Bo . Foarte dragut! Hyung Junnie fighting!
Credits: Warner Music Taiwan Facebook + English Translation: Only Jun (kimhyungjun.net)
Sursa:Triple S Philippines
Romanian translation: Emmy Lee
luni, 27 septembrie 2010
This is SS501 Kim Hyung Jun-nim’s agency S-plus Entertainment.
Thank you for always loving Kim Hyung Jun-nim
Because of an error in our current system structure and domain, besides the NOTICE and NEWS categories, other categories are currently unavailable.
The website including the bulletin board and other contents will be predicted to be functional again in October.
For the inconveniences caused during this short period of time, your understanding is appreciated.
Within the NOTICE page, artiste-related schedule as well as agency’s notices will be updated here.
Within the NEWS page, artiste promotional materials will be uploaded.
Of course the current web address is the Korean official site address and this will continue to be used without further changes.
We S-Plus Entertainment will make all the website functions operational again in order to facilitate interactions between fans and the artiste. We will put our best to do this.
If there is any question or suggestion, please send it to the email listed below.
We will try to answer your queries sincerely in the soonest time possible.
Thank you.
Credit : Triple S Phillipine
Park Jung Min Will Visit Taiwan On The 29th!
SS501 Park JungMin accelerates advancement into Asia.
Park JungMin will visit Taiwan for 3 days 2 night schedule starting on 29th. Continuing his overseas activities after his contract with Japan Yamaha group's Yamaha Music Entertainment on 16-Sep, the visit to Taiwan this time is part of his advancement into the Asia market.
Agency CNR Media revealed "The activities in Korea as well as Japan has been fixed to a certain extent. This official visit is to make specific plans for his activities in Asia including Taiwan, China, HongKong, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, etc. with Comic Ritz who is CNR Media's partner."
Park JungMin mentioned about his visit to Taiwan through his official Facebook page and is currently gaining high interests from fans and industry personnel. In addition for his Korean fans, his official homepage is scheduled to be opened in mid-October.
Credits : silk781220@sportschosun.com + SS601.com + (English Translation) xiaochu @ Quainte501.com
JM also tweeted this too... that he will be going to Taiwan to see his fans on the 29th! And he's going to be opening a Korean website too, huh? I'm not surprised at all. And he's gonna be busy traveling! I hope they also include the Philippines to his list of Asian countries to visit.
sâmbătă, 25 septembrie 2010
Pe data de 24 septembrie 2010,Hyun Joong s-a confesat in timpul unui interviu pentru MBC Section TV:"Pana acum chiar nu am avut nici un complex in legatura cu aspectul tenului meu dupa ras.Dar cum tehnologia este foarte avansata ,simt ca oamenii pot afla secrete pe care vreau sa le tin departe de public."
Mai departe,cand reporterul l-a intrebat pe Kim Hyun Joong:"Ce ai in comun cu personajul Baek Seung Jo din Playful Kiss?", actorul a glumit spunand:"O asemanare ar fi partea cu IQ-ul de 200."Auzind raspunsul sau,reporterul a inceput sa rada.
Rolul din Playful Kiss al lui Hyun Joong reprezinta a doua aparitie ca actor,dupa Boys Over Flowers!

Sursa:Triple S Philippines
Romanian Translation : Emmy Lee
~Ora difuzarii topului nu a fost inca aleasa ' va vom informa de ora ' saptamana viitoare ~
joi, 23 septembrie 2010
marți, 21 septembrie 2010
In viitor,Hyung Jun va avea activitati in diverse domenii ca actor,cantaret si altele.

Romanian Translation : Emmy Lee
duminică, 19 septembrie 2010
sâmbătă, 18 septembrie 2010
Membrul SS501,Park Jung Min a sustinut o conferinta de presa oficiala pentru a vorbi despre activitatile sale in Japonia, pe data de 17 septembrie in Hotelul International din Tokyo "Minatoku's ANA".
In interviurile acordate , Jung Min a dovedit inca o data faptul ca vorbeste japoneza fluent si nu a avut nevoie de translator pentru a raspunde intrebarilor adresate.De asemenea, el a precizat faptul ca va evolua ca actor si cantaret in Japonia.
Cu privire la prima sa activitate solo in Japonia , el a mentionat:"Ma simt putin singur acum...".Totusi, sentimentul acesta a fost doar pentru moment.Jung Min a mai anuntat:"La sfarsitul acestei luni,voi tine o conferinta de presa in Taiwan,in noiembrie voi realiza un single in Coreea si ma voi pregati pentru musical-ul si fanmeeting-ul din Japonia.In timp ce anul viitor,voi juca intr-o drama in Korea si Taiwan."Se pare ca Jung Min are un program foarte incarcat. Nu uitati, Park Jung Min va aparea in musical-ul Kizuna ca protagonist.
Succes,Jung Minnie!

vineri, 17 septembrie 2010
On 16-Sep, SS501 Park Jung Min left Korea for his activities in Japan, his contracts and schedules of his local activities as well as activities in Japan were officially announced through his agency CNR Media.
According to the details announced at the official press conference on 17-Sep for the Japanese media, they signed a contract with Yamaha Music Entertainment which is under Yamaha Group. They announced the specific plans included in the contract, i.e opening of Park Jung Min official Japan website, release of photobook & DVD, Japan fanmeeting in December, release of first solo single in Japan in 2011, etc.
In addition, before the start of his activities in Japan, he will be having activities in Korea first. They also announced that he is currently in the midst of preparing for the production of an album scheduled to release in November, and will have a fanmeeting in Korea.
Park Jung Min signed a contract with CNR Media in August and has announced the start of extensive activities in Asia which gained a lot of attention. This time too, he signed a contract with a big corporation in Japan, thus gaining full support from them.
They also announced that Park JungMin will be having activities in the Greater China regions soon.
Group SS501's Park Jungmin has signed on with Japan Yamaha group as he officially begins his Japan activities.
Last 16th, Park Jungmin who left for Japan in discussion for his activities in Japan has now officially revealed his schedules and work plans in Korea & in Japan through his agency CNR Media who is currently undertaking his career in Korea and Japan.
On the 17th during the official press conference that he held with all Japanese media, if according to the revealed contents, Park Jungmin has already signed on with Yamaha Group's Yamaha Music Entertainment and will also open his official Japanese website, release pictorials and DVD, and will also hold a Japanese fanmeeting in December; in addition in 2011, he will also be releasing his first Japanese solo single &/or album.
Also before his Japan activities will begin, he will also be carrying out Korea activities prior to that - in November, he will be scheduled to release a discography (album) and is currently preparing for it, and will also hold a fanmeeting then.
On the other hand, Park Jungmin had signed on a full time contract with CNR Media to develop his asia activities full fledge.
Credits : Triple S Phillipines
joi, 16 septembrie 2010
Mischievous Kiss Online
~Korean Drama ` ~
Pute.ti viziona episoadele din Mischievous Kiss Online !Traducere este in limba engleza !
Site:Micshievous Kiss Online
Awww... sunt asa de draguti ! I know it takes a while for Leader to warm up to a new person... but by the looks of it, I think he's becoming comfortable with his leading lady Jung So Min! What do you guys think?

Credit:Triple S Phillipines
The newly concepted 3D concert service that will appear before your eyes vividly 'LIVE in 3D 1ST CONCERT' -- 'Wheesung-IT'S REAL' held its VIP Premiere at 7PM on September 15 at Seoul, Dongdaemun, Lotte Cinema, Chungryangri corner.
During this day's VIP Premiere also featured stars Baek Jiyoung, Park
Kyungrim, Kim Kyujong (SS501).

Credit:Triple S Phillipines